Monarch Magic pages

Monday, November 26, 2018

Child's Play

By C.J. Hirschfield

With recent reports of unhealthy air keeping our youngest kids indoors – and parents looking for ways to keep them entertained – it was interesting to learn about the three toys just inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame, two of which are played at home: the mystical and mesmerizing Magic 8 Ball and the popular Uno card game. (The third “toy” is pinball.) Honorees were chosen from a field of finalists that included a wide range of candidates, from American Girl Dolls to chalk.

The most recent inductees in the National Toy Hal of Fame

Monday, November 19, 2018

Smoked Out

By C.J. Hirschfield

In my wildest dreams, I never thought we’d have to close Children’s Fairyland due to unhealthy air. You probably have discovered the website that rates the air with a number and a color. Did we even know that such a site existed? Now, in addition to constantly checking the weather reports, we at Fairyland check the air quality reports.

Aerial view of smoke-shrouded Lake Merritt, November 11, 2018. Photo by Chris Linden

We thought last year’s fires and the accompanying smoke were anomalies. Not so much, it turns out. Our outdoor park has had to close the last two weekends in the interest of public safety. While we’ve been closed, we hope families have taken advantage of the Habitot indoor play zone in Berkeley, of board games, of Oobleck (look it up; it’s a lifesaver), and, of course, of storytelling. Don’t be shy about injecting songs, dance and wacky voices in your readings to children.

We hope our guests will return on the three days following Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Tagging Fairyland's Monarchs

By C.J. Hirschfield

Last week, Fairyland horticulturist Jackie Salas realized a dream she’d doggedly been pursuing for four years: the right to put a tag on the wing of a monarch butterfly that hails from Fairyland’s gardens. What may result from her quest could make a difference for our planet.