Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Teddy Bear's Tattoo

By C.J. Hirschfield

Oakland resident Phil Wong, 27, is an actor, educator, musician, and comic. He’s also a featured performer in Fairyland’s latest Theatre for the Very Young (TVY) production, “Teddy Bears’ Picnic.” Until the show opened, Phil hadn’t been at Fairyland since he was very young himself. So we were surprised to notice that he sports a tattoo of our Magic Key on his arm.

Clearly, he had come home.

Phil Wong's Magic Key tattoo.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Help Make a Butterfly

By C.J. Hirschfield

Around this time last year, it felt like Fairyland was running a drug operation. Dozens of people would come to our door and say that Jackie sent them; they were here to pick up the plants. 

The plants weren’t marijuana, they were milkweed – the food that monarch caterpillars need to undergo their dramatic transformation into butterflies.


Our scores of volunteers helped us find and treat monarch eggs and milkweed to prevent against disease, fostered the caterpillars at home (1,200 last year), and then released them near our park.

Well, it’s that time again, and Fairyland horticulturist Jackie Salas is sending out the word: Lake Merritt monarchs need your help! Do you have what it takes?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dear Dear Meg

By C.J. Hirschfield

Hers is the first obituary I’ve ever seen that includes the word “poop.” She would have loved it.

For three decades, Meg Zweiback helped our community’s families with young children solve problems with – as the SFGate obit puts it – “poop, sleep, siblings, schools, and everyday life.” She left us on Sept. 9, when she finally lost a yearlong battle with leukemia.

Meg Zweiback with Charley and stuffed animals.